My love, my violence, my transcendence.



My My  My My MY  My My My 

My My  My My MY My My My  My MY

MY My MY Love My MY My

My My My My MY My My My My MY

 MYMy MY Violence My MY My

My My My My MY My My My My MY

My My My MY My My My My




My MY My My My MY

My My My My MY My My My My MY

My My My My MY My My My My My My My My MY My My My My MY

My My My My MY Transcendence My My My My MY

My My My My MY My My My My MY My My My My MY

My My My My MY My My My My My MY

My My My MY My My My My My

My MY My My MY

My MY My

My love, my violence, My transcendence.

I am dreaming again, but not in the right way it should be, or that’s what I think. It feels like my body is keeping me awake by the thoughts of the days and sorrows of my past. Maybe the reason to write this now is to put all these thoughts on a piece of paper to give them a space in my life, where they belong, on paper. Were they can be put away on a digital device and that’s the only thing I will carry with me, in that backpack what always was too heavy to carry with me. 

It is over, the thoughts, it is over because I put my thoughts in the love I have for my body, mind and soul. I put the energy I have first in myself by knowing what is good for myself, and for that I learned a way it helps myself, to understand myself. It is about the words you put on yourself by the thoughts u are giving your brain to get sleepless. So, let’s stop to put more words into my brain to finally fall asleep with the actions I am going to do tomorrow.

It is about the way we all together are making our brain occupy the sorrow of the day, into our brain by caring to much about the outside words and looking in, than the inside looking out. If I take care of my own body, mind and soul then u see for yourself what is good for your body, mind and soul. In here we don’t need to teach others, in here we teach ourselves what love is for yourself by loving yourself with the body, mind and soul you are born with.

Our outside world can be overwhelming for us, because of our language. That we stopped communicating with ourselves, we stopped communicating with our body, a body where u are living in. It is your body what communicates stress, anxiety and addiction to consume your brain by being busy, even when that busyness is not healthy for yourself and others. It is the way u started to survive the world around you and yourself, by not listening to yourself but by occupying your brains ego, and not the consciousness itself by the transcendence we have over our language. Often the violence of your environment made you who you think you are by not knowing that u can be yourself in your own body.

Now it is time we start this transcendence of our brain by becoming conscious what the language is doing when we communicate with our bodies and the way we understand true communication by knowledge to our body’s. The understanding that our outside world is not always giving the right input for our brains to occupy the time of being. Look it at a way, that if you are being asked how you are doing is by saying, I am doing good. In the times you say I am good, are you not lying to yourself if you are not good. The same is by yes, I am happy, but are you really, happy?

If you say to others that you are happy, are you for real! Happy. Because you are saying it? Or are you fooling yourself that u are happy and knowing you are lying to yourself. Keep in mind that the words you say to others have more impact on yourself than the others. In here we transcendence to or say honestly the truth or nothing.

Do we know the words we say to others to understand ourselves or communicate the things we need to survive the world. Are you surviving or living your world, are you surviving yourself or loving yourself. The understanding to transcend in your own love for yourself is by not lying to yourself you are doing good, but by doing it. In here we see that the action in doing the right things for our body, mind and soul is making us better, and for those we don’t need to communicate in how we feel or say to ourselves that we are doing it. We are doing it and that is something you don’t need to communicate to others. It is you; it is about yourself loving yourself by doing the things to live life and not to survive your own body.

In here we are coming out of a world where parts of the world are saying that u need to change in who you are, but it is the false communication from others to you. If you take care of yourself by not fighting or surviving yourself, the world will see that and trust you to be yourself in this world. And in here we see that we like to work with the things we see is good for the community because we are all living and not surviving the moment, that we are living on this planet. The moment you are becoming conscious about the words you are saying to yourself you are becoming to understand that you are living for yourself or for others.

Are you living for yourself or for others? The moment u are becoming conscious, that you are living for yourself by transcending from your parents, is often the moment you realize that it is you who is choosing for yourself and not your parents. These moments are happening everywhere, the moments of transcendence are in yourself by understanding you are choosing for yourself, by doing the things you love doing, by being yourself. In here we don’t need to make rules by knowing we are doing it ourselves. Keep in mind that we are not giving orders to other that others are doing it, in here we make rules. But if you are doing it yourselves it is your own responsibility to take care of the things you are doing. Don’t do the things to others if you don’t do it to yourself, it is the realizing thing that if you have a gun, you are not shooting yourself, and because you are not shooting yourself you are not shooting others. If that realization is not in yourself than you are simply not yourself.

Become yourself by understanding the love you give yourself by doing things you do for yourself, not for others. In here we learn a reality that we live, and often it is created by the environment you start living your life in. And in here your life is build on beliefs that your environment teaches you, and in here we transcend to understand that even the reality of your parents or environment is learning you to be yourself. And iff you cannot be yourself the environment is not themselves ether.

In here we go step by step that we need to see the reality we teach our children and in here our children will transcend to be themselves because that’s the only way we can live in this world without problems because we are not creating the problems anymore, the psychologically problems that are so common in these days. In here we will sustain ourselves by not having war, and orders to sustain war, but by being ourselves we understand that we will sustain ourselves. That we will transcend to a higher civilization by being ourselves and not a religion that is saying who we need to be, to give us a kind of balance. It is being yourself, taking love for yourself by understanding our reality we are giving to ourselves, because we can do the things, we believe in by knowing it is good for ourselves. Our transcendence is to evolve in a higher being all together, and that is only possible by the love you are giving yourself in your body, mind and soul. Are we occupying our ego by consuming the sex, pleasure and problems we give to each other. Or the sleep, love, consciousness and the way to be silent for ourselves, by understanding the trust we create for the pleasure and sex we can have.

It is the outside that is making me happy? and not the inside? Let the inside be happy by understanding the love I am giving myself, by understanding my inside. By using my and our senses and the love to be with ourselves in the moment. It is time I give myself the silence to be who we are, and not occupy ourselves with the word’s others are putting on us.

The difference between the people who are surviving and the people who are living. It is the difference between the consciousness in how you perceive your reality, with appreciating that u are living now. By being here with your body, mind, and soul here, and not your ego that is putting words on your reality or history. Is the ego developing more in the state wen u are surviving the moment.

Wen are stepping out of your ego, and stoping yourself by surviving the world and start living.