Hello curios being that wandered around on my text, i think?
My explanation of my understanding, the interpretation is on yourself, not on others.
The last part to understand yourself is:
First be silent, Than trust.
Who are you? and how are you surviving or living your life. Maybe my explanation will give you a better understanding to yourself. How you live a happy life is by being yourself, and being yourself is by knowing yourself. For this is the sticker with words, that are here to give u a small idea to know how to start to live your life. By understanding yourself to become yourself.
The idea of sex (or addiction) is often the problem that you cannot understand your own sleep because of your addiction.
The idea of pleasure (or consume) is often the problem that you cannot understand your own love because of your consumption.
The idea of creation (or life) is often the problem that you cannot understand your own consciousness because of your life
The idea of trust (or thoughts) is often the problem that u cannot understand your own silence because of your thoughts.
On this website you will find what I wrote myself by understanding myself. The key in writhing for yourself is the reflection on myself to learn from myself to become myself 🙂
So the goal here is to make yourself not lie about yourself for yourself, the Ego as thoughts (words) in your mind are who you think u are, but are the thoughts that u make as words a lie to yourself or are you being yourself. Be open to understand true understanding of yourself and realise that you often are not realising that. Your own insecurities are the things you are not trusting in yourself so please don’t put your insecurities to others.
Trust is build by people on the things you do and the things you say, iff you as yourself is lying to yourself, are you lying to others? Are you building your trust only on the language you speak or also on what you do to be yourself without lying to yourself. Is the thought (words) u put in your mind the honesty to yourself to live your life, or to survive your world
Is language making yourself conscious or are you the consciousness itself about the truth in who you are.
The moment you realise for yourself that the thoughts in your head are only there to stimulate your ego and not yourself. In here we meditate by giving yourself peace that thoughts are your ego controlling you, and are you want to be controlled?
By giving yourself enough sleep, u will understand that u will have your own energy to become aware. That for sleep you find to give yourself love and silence to become aware of this lovely sleep. That silent sleep you create for yourself and that can perceive from others, that we become conscious about ourselves and others about the understanding of sleep. That the understanding of myself is to be myself and letting others be themselves. In this being and awareness you understand that the silence in myself will create the trust of my surroundings that the social environment will be conscious to create this trustful space. The space were we can sleep and love each other, to understand that we all together create a space, were we trust our creation by being conscious of sleep and love. To understand real pleasure. For this real pleasure that we give each other in the right moment, for the most beautiful understanding of that pleasure in a trustful way. In an understandable way that our environment is for love and sleep and is conscious enough to understand that pleasure. It is the purity that we share not the sexual or war desire that is bringing an unbalance. The Unbalance to the trustful environment were we live and trust each other not to have sex and war but pleasure. To create the most beautiful things we understand that sex and war is a moment that u find sharing wen the desire is trustful to be silent of thoughts and words. With knowing the consent in the social environment.
The creation of a safe space for our children
Creation of trust in the social environment is by being yourself in your own balance to be silent, you create trust because you sleep enough to give yourself enough love to understand the energy of your consciousness that is by doing the things you love doing. And by doing the things you love doing you will create your own energy that people will trust by just being in who you are, by the understanding of yourself giving yourself your freedom to live life.
It is the balance you create in your environment, if the environment is not giving your space to be yourself you can travel to another space or you are living your true freedom in your environment without disturbing the social environment. Start the things you love doing by healing your inner-child, to understand yourself, to be conscious about the consciousness in yourself in knowing the love and sleep you bring to yourself and giving the trust to others they can trust to sleep in silence.